Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Been AWOL. Didn't really feel like jinxing myself. So only a brief note.

Tested by hot

6dp5dt. LSP. I have developed a new acronym for women like me who test too early. Little skinny positive. It happens when there is just a hint of a line.

8dp5dt BFP well just a little more noticeable from day before.

9dp5dt. bFP using digital. It came up in less than a minute

10dp5dt. Beta #1. 181

Still worried. have cramps that come and go. Last time beta doubled then two days later it all went wrong. No migraine this time. Maybe that is a good thing

Go for beta #2 tomorrow am. Hoping beyond hope . Just trust in the odds. Something is bound to work this time.


  1. I am so happy for you - fingers crossed that the 2nd beta is good too!

  2. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

  3. YESSSS!!!! Awesome!!

    Lots of great thoughts coming from Arkansas.

  4. Great beta! I'm stalking and hoping that this embryo is IT!

  5. Thanks everyone. It has been such a long journey so far. Thanks for hanging in there.
